Groups for two-year-olds

Find the times and places of instruction for the groups on the
enrolment page.

Find information on fees and billing and our cancellation policy here.

Vauhtivarpaat (Skippy toes), ages 1–2

Let your rhythmic feet loose together with your parents! We dance and move in these lessons and listen to different music styles. The group supports children’s language and speech development via many kinds of voice and rhythm games as well as songs and rhymes. We also play a lot to get to know different kinds of vocal environments.

Vauhtivarpaat 2-v.

Music play school for siblings (ages 0–4)

Come and enjoy music with the whole family! In these lessons, children explore music through singing, rhyming, listening, playing, moving, and dancing. The sibling groups are for 1–2 adults with their children.

Sisarusmuskari 0-4-v.