Commission a performance

You can commission a performance from the pupils, groups, and orchestras of Pirkanmaa Music Institute for events for a case-by-case compensation. Please contact Tuuli Isotalo ( for commissions. We will help you find the performer that suits your event after you fill in the form below. We will process your request within a week. A filled-in commission form does not yet form an agreement. We will contact you by email about the performance once we have found you a suitable performer.

Event commissions

esim. klassista, viihdemusiikkia, pop/jazz/rock-musiikkia
Toivotteko ensisijaisesti oppilastasoisia esiintyjiä vai ammattilaisia?
esim. harmonikansoittaja, huilutrio, viulu ja sello, bändi, puhallinorkesteri


Esityspaikan yhteyshenkilö